La simulación térmica dinámica es una predicción de las condiciones ambientales internas del espacio con resultados horarios en el periodo de un año completo. Sabemos que los cambios ambientales externos cambian a cada hora y que la inercia térmica de los cerramientos responden a estos cambios lentamente influyendo en el confort interno. En la simulación térmica es importante la geometría, la materialidad de los cerramientos, el aislamiento, y los usos del espacio.
DesignBuilder es una interficie que tiene incorporado el motor de cálculo de EnergyPlus lo que la convierte en la herramienta más destaca actualmente en este tipo de simulaciones "térmicas y dinámicas ".
Con DesignBuilder se obtiene una simulación energética que predice las condiciones ambientales interiores y el comportamiento térmico del edificio.
Estos resultados son decisivos para el diseño de sistemas de enfriamiento y calentamiento, ya que te permite calcular las cargas de refrigeración y calefacción que necesita el proyecto. También te permite optimizar el uso de distintos materiales y sistemas constructivos y estimar las emisiones de CO2 a lo largo de la vida útil del edificio o para el diseño de sistemas de fuentes sostenibles para la generación de energía, ACS (agua caliente sanitaria), e incluso para evaluar el proyecto para la certificación energética.
DesignBuilder además, tiene incorporado el módulo CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), lo que significa que es posible calcular el movimiento y distribución de cualquier fluido y visualizar, por ejemplo, como impacta el viento en el edificio o como se distribuye el aire interior en función de la temperatura.
Las variables que trabajo en DesignBuilder son:
- Clima
- Cargas energéticas por espacios (ocupación, electrodomésticos...)
- Consignas de confort ambiental (cuál es la Tº a la que queremos climatizar el ambiente)
- Propiedades de los cerramientos y ventanas
- Sistemas de control de iluminación en función de la natural
- Sistemas de climatización (Ventilación natural., HVAC, fancoil...)
- Interacción entre todos los parámetros y sistemas
Dynamic Thermal Simulation
The dynamic thermal simulation is a prediction of the internal environmental conditions of the space with hourly results in the period of a complete year. We know that external environmental changes change hourly and that the thermal inertia of the enclosures respond to these changes slowly, influencing internal comfort. In thermal simulation, the geometry, the materiality of the enclosures, the insulation, and the uses of the space are important.
DesignBuilder is an interface that incorporates the EnergyPlus calculation engine, which makes it the most outstanding tool currently in this type of "thermal and dynamic" simulation.
With DesignBuilder an energy simulation is obtained that predicts the interior environmental conditions and the thermal behavior of the building.
These results are decisive for the design of heating and cooling systems, as they allow you to calculate the heating and cooling loads required by the project. It also allows you to optimize the use of different materials and construction systems and estimate CO2 emissions throughout the useful life of the building or for the design of sustainable source systems for the generation of energy, ACS (sanitary hot water), and even to evaluate the project for energy certification.
DesignBuilder also has a built-in CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) module, which means that it is possible to calculate the movement and distribution of any fluid and visualize, for example, how the wind impacts the building or how the indoor air is distributed depending on temperature.
DesignBuilder is an interface that incorporates the EnergyPlus calculation engine, which makes it the most outstanding tool currently in this type of "thermal and dynamic" simulation.
With DesignBuilder an energy simulation is obtained that predicts the interior environmental conditions and the thermal behavior of the building.
These results are decisive for the design of heating and cooling systems, as they allow you to calculate the heating and cooling loads required by the project. It also allows you to optimize the use of different materials and construction systems and estimate CO2 emissions throughout the useful life of the building or for the design of sustainable source systems for the generation of energy, ACS (sanitary hot water), and even to evaluate the project for energy certification.
DesignBuilder also has a built-in CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) module, which means that it is possible to calculate the movement and distribution of any fluid and visualize, for example, how the wind impacts the building or how the indoor air is distributed depending on temperature.
The variables that I work with in DesignBuilder are:
- Weather
- Energy loads by spaces (occupation, electrical appliances ...)
- Environmental comfort instructions (what is the temperature to which we want to acclimatise the environment)
- Properties of enclosures and windows
- Lighting control systems depending on the natural
- Air conditioning systems (Natural ventilation, HVAC, fan coil ...)
- Interaction between all parameters and systems
- Weather
- Energy loads by spaces (occupation, electrical appliances ...)
- Environmental comfort instructions (what is the temperature to which we want to acclimatise the environment)
- Properties of enclosures and windows
- Lighting control systems depending on the natural
- Air conditioning systems (Natural ventilation, HVAC, fan coil ...)
- Interaction between all parameters and systems